Day 8 – What’s In Your Bag/Wallet

This is actually quite a timely challenge as i’ve just got my new backpack – i’m not really a handbag girl – but once i’ve listed what is in there, maybe you’ll see why I’m not able to be a handbag girl haha!

Ok, quick edit. My backpack hasn’t arrived yet so have decided to do a list of what’s in the bag and then as above, maybe you’ll see why a handbag is not for me (unless it’s massive anyway!)

I’m currently using a canvas shoulder bag which my work created to celebrate our summer services (locally known as the Breezers) these are open topped buses which travel around the area showing off some of the gorgeous places in Dorset. I like using the bag and also quite like the artwork which is very much like an old school train poster.

So, the standard stuff:

Hand Cream – I love a good smelling hand cream, I try not to use much make up and the like but i’m a sucker for a great smell and a light creamy, silky niceness. I’m currently using one I got for Xmas last year. It’s flavoured with Pink Pepper and Amyris which is actually really nice, not too floral and doesn’t leave my hands all greasy.

Wallet – well obviously, I need this as i’m always needing to go get snacks, or just to be able to pick up shopping once i’ve finished work – tonight for example is our Halloween celebrations – yeah, to be honest, i’m not really “into” Halloween but we’ve decided on getting some pizzas, curling up on the sofa and watching films which will scare us – we are both wussies so can’t imagine it’ll take long to be changing back to something more to our level, like Beetlejuice or something!!


Tissues – I’ll be honest, these generally aren’t for me. I know that the man often has a runny nose or cold like symptoms and I tend to keep a supply for him.

House Keys – another sort of obvious one i’d assume, but I do have a massive bundle including my flat, my parents, some locker keys and generally too many key rings cos, when you collect tat, keyrings will ALWAYS be a good thing.

Books –  this is not always the case but lets say 85 – 90% of the time I will have a random paperback in my bag. Those who know me will know it’d most likely be a Pratchett but at the moment am re-reading a Louis Theroux book about his weird weekends.


Headphones – these were possibly one of my favourite gifts I have ever been given. They are Skull Candy (so very bassey) and wireless so that means I actually can dance around the house without the risk of the wire getting caught on something and then breaking my phone/mp3 player. The man got them for me last year at Xmas, I think i’ve pretty much worn them everyday and I really really really love them!

So yeah, that’s pretty much it. I’m hoping that when my backpack arrives it will be big enough to carry my camera in it, I want a bag that can hold it safely but that isn’t too massive. Ideally i’ve seen a couple of friends with MASSIVE bags which carries their lives so please, keep your fingers crossed for me as I really don’t want to be carrying 2 bags with me so I can use my camera if the opportunity presents itself!

Once it’s arrived will update and let you all know, bet you can’t wait?!



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