Day 19 – What makes me happy

Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness. The “pursuit of happiness” is something this country is based on, and different people feel happiness for different reasons.

Below is a good selection of different things that make me happy, this isn’t a definitive list but merely something to show there are many different things – of differing levels which can bring happiness. I’d rather it not be possessions as I like to live with the thought that if I lost everything tomorrow in a fire or some such, I’m glad to know that a lot of the things that bring me happiness

smiles, moose, orangutans, silly videos, cheese, feeling comfortable, travel, seeing friends, having a man who I adore. so many things really.

I’d like to think that I do try to be optimistic, I know that some of my friends would be amazed to read that as I can be incredibly pessimistic and think that generally I have pretty bad luck but am pleased that after a few bad years, I now actively try to look for the positive as opposed to just settling on the negative.

Above is a good selection of things that make me smile.

My family and loved ones are amazing, I count some of my closest friends as family and am so lucky that they seem to like me (I often do not know why) and they’ve always been there for me, through thick and thin. I’m lucky to still have both my parents around and love spending time with them, I sadly don’t get to see my brother as often as i’d like as I live so far away and Public Transport in this country is a joke but I love the fact that when I need his support, he will be there for me.

Travel is a good thing for anyone I believe, there are some places I’ve never been that i’d love to go to but even if it’s just a weekend away from my normal home, I enjoy it, it doesn’t need to be glamourous or expensive to be a good place to holiday – saying that though, I really could do with a sunny holiday – it’s been bloody years!!

Food factors a huge part in my life, not as much as previously (when I’m pretty sure i’d eat my feelings and those of the people around me) but it is still a sign of my love and care – so if I offer to cook for you, pretend you like it haha – and a good way to make me smile. I know that’s really pathetic but food and the way people prepare, spend time over, care about is a sign of love for others.

Moose are my favourite animal (sorry Orangutans, you guys come a close second) and am so tempted to get myself the cross stitch kit above, I think there’s so many craft things I want to do so being given the option to craft AND make myself something fun is brilliant.

Drag is a relatively new thing in my life but I love it. I love seeing people be their authentic selves and being happy in the person they are. I’ve watched people hide themselves for fear of judgement and to see people finally go “F*ck this” and just decide to make themselves happy, and to live happy is amazing. I’ve always been completely comfortable as the person I am – despite the lack of self esteem and self hatred of my outer form – and I’d hate to be stuck like that, to not be comfortable enough or feel safe enough to just be themselves and that’s something if I could improve for everyone, I totally would do.

Some good things I have used to make myself happy – I was once told that faking it till you make it is a good thing here as you can trick your own brain into being happier, it doesn’t work all the time, but enough of the time – are below. I’m interested to see what other people do for themselves to give themselves a pep or whatnot. Feel free to let me know, lets share the love and happiness and see if we can’t spread a smile around the world.

1. Commit to doing one nice thing for yourself every day. – people focus all their energy on other people putting themselves last, try to not always do this, if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of other people.
2. Listen to yourself – trust your judgement and do things which make you happy, People talking shit since the beginning of time, less they paying your bills pay them bitches no mind!
3. Forgive yourself – be more compassionate to yourself, you give others slack, so why hold yourself to higher standards?
4. Accept yourself as you are right now – it may not be perfect, but it is what it is, be strong in the person you are as there is NO ONE like you, you are a snowflake – not in the derogatory sense but in the sense of you are unique, individual and in your own way, perfect.
5. Eliminate toxic people in your life – not always possible but it’s just not worth your life constantly struggling with other people’s issues. Worry about yourself more and let others worry about themselves.
6. Prioritize your health – self care is very important. If you burn out, how will you be able to help other people.
7. Stop skipping meals – seriously, never a good thing, even if it’s a snack, or a salad or something small and tapas like, keep your energy up.
8. Breathe!
9. Give yourself a welcoming space – I found making my bed every morning meant that when I got in at night, it felt a bit like new sheets. It feels so much nicer than just crawling into an unmade pit! Plus, if I were to win the lottery I’d probably ask for fresh sheets everyday – but until then, I will just make do haha!
10. Get some sunlight – sunlight helps make you happy, if you feel a bit blue, even if it’s cold I always recommend going out for a walk. Wrap up warm and go for a wander, you might see something great but if not exercise and sunshine will help lift the mood.
11. Buy premium products for yourself – I do this, not always as I am inside a very frugal person but I do see the point, why treat other people but not yourself? I’m not saying only buy premium for you and screw everyone else but you deserve a treat every now and again too.



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