Working from home surprises

home office

I saw an article somewhere online about things people were learning about themselves working from home during lockdown and it made me think about the things I’ve learned – or had driven home about me.

I am too loud on the phone – I don’t think i’m actually that bad but now i’m alone in the house, the acoustics are different and I think that’s making me more self conscious.

I talk to myself, A LOT. This wasn’t the biggest surprise to me, I’ve talked to myself for years but I never realised quite how much until i’m alone in a room, with a customer on hold and i’m trying to work something out. I sound like a crazy person! Something for me to remember in future when i’m back around people, maybe have a more “in head” voice!

I tried to start a local free library during lockdown – I want to bring it back, now I just need to find some spare shelves – bit more professional looking than a carboard box!


I know more about my job than I realised, I need to be more confident but it’s nice to be able to help people and be confident in what I am saying. It’s actually lovely to be able to help people.

If food is nearby,  I will eat it. Seriously, i’m getting a tan from the fridge light i’m there so often. It’s a bit crazy really. I need to knock it off. At least in the office there’s other people so therefore judgement which helps keep me in check. I’ve cooked more since being at home, the time and the extra opportunity for kitchen browsing – I’ve even learned to make cake in the slow cooker and we’ve found out our oven is great for yorkshire puddings!

Although I miss the people I work with, I LOVE working from home, the commute wasn’t something really that bothered me until I didn’t have to do it, and now the idea of sitting on a bus for over 2 hours a day just is a big no-no as far as i’m concerned.

I’ve also started to be more active at home (I try to go for a jog most mornings which if I was in the office I would not have time for) and we’re also working on making the garden a nice place – this year we tried to grow potatoes, peas, tomatoes, chillies and peppers, not all have worked but we’ve both decided that next year we will be more organised and hopefully the year overall will be better next year!

I’m lucky that I get to spend more time with my partner, he works at silly o clock in the morning so when I used to get home at 6 say, we’d see each other for an hour or maybe 2 before he would go to bed, so the thought of the longer commute + not being able to see him as much made me sad, so am very lucky and grateful that i’m able to work from home.

I know some people hate it, and I can see the negatives, it’s probably a good thing i’m such a loner, at least then not seeing people doesn’t really bother me. I do miss the group of people I work with and might in future try and organise some days in the office (if only to take them cake) but for now, the joy of being able to work from home and get on with my job, without the commute, the time wasted and extra stress that causes, this is the best thing that’s come out of Covid 19.

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