Plans moving forward

Friends of mine are well aware how easily I get distracted, or more accurately, how easily my plans can go from concrete to quicksand in such a quick timeframe. I’m desperate to be able to make plans and stick to them, and do them enough so that they become habits, but sadly, my brain just says “No”.

The best way I’ve managed to work it before, is by setting myself challenges….so for example, I’m looking at doing a photo a day, so that if nothing else, I set a challenge to my friends online to give me word suggestions… here we go!

Thought I’d leave them in this so I have something to aim at but also am going to get them in my day planner so I have an idea of what I’m trying to do each day.

Suggestions include:

  1. Dumpling x
  2. Sky x
  3. Green x
  4. Yarn x
  5. Movement x
  6. Dessert x
  7. Biped x
  8. First x
  9. Reflections x
  10. Bubbles x
  11. Clouds x
  12. Hope x
  13. Water x
  14. Fabric x
  15. Window x
  16. Flock x
  17. Juxtaposed x
  18. Rusted x
  19. Comfort x
  20. Skylight x
  21. Dragons x
  22. Decline x
  23. Inflated
  24. Sun x
  25. Retro x
  26. Quadruped x
  27. Yellow x
  28. Lost x
  29. List x
  30. Desire x
  31. Mistake x
  32. Challenge x
  33. Happiness x
  34. Freedom
  35. Treat x
  36. Orange x
  37. mum x
  38. backwards x
  39. fierce
  40. hat x
  41. epic x
  42. uncomfortable x
  43. seat x
  44. shadow x

So a few suggestions to be going on with. Now to get them added to my planner and then start snapping away!

If you’re reading this and want to give me a word (or 6) Please do just leave them as comments. I’m loving the variety so would love for people to get involved 😀

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